It’s Your Time to Serve: Call for Nominations to the ACRA Board of Directors
Are you interested in being a leader in your industry? Now is the time to step up - ACRA is seeking dedicated members who are interested in serving on the Board of Directors. Positions that are up for election in 2022 are: Vice President – Government Relations Small...
Your Congress in Action: May 9, 2022
The CRM industry made its presence felt on Capitol Hill last week, albeit in virtual fashion. As part of ACRA’s 2022 Virtual Advocacy Week, CRM professionals from across the country “met” by Zoom with members of Congress and their staffs to educate them on the...
ACHP Seeks Public Input on Proposal Easing Federal Efforts to Install Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is seeking public input on a proposed exemption that would release all federal agencies from the requirement to consider the effects on historic properties of their undertakings involving the installation and...
GSA Small Disadvantaged Business Experience Feedback Survey
Small businesses with U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) contract vehicles have been invited to participate in a Small Disadvantaged Business Experience Feedback Survey. Responses can be provided until May 10 and the results will be used to improve and develop...
Deadline Extended: 2022 Awards Nominations
We have heard from some of you that you need a bit more time to send in your nominations for the 2022 ACRA Awards, and we have good news! We have extended the deadline to send your nominations to FRIDAY, MAY 13 at 5 PM EDT. The categories for ACRA's awards are:...
Webinar 5/12: Nuts and Bolts of SCA
CRM practitioners, from the largest firms to the one-person shops, all must adhere to regulations when working on government contracts. This includes following the requirements laid out for paying employees as required by the Department of Labor. Almost all CRM...
Last Chance to Meet with Your Legislators
In one week, ACRA members from across the country will meet virtually with their congressional representatives to advocate for the CRM industry. Will you join them? ACRA members have a powerful message to tell policymakers about the importance of cultural resources...
Your Congress in Action: April 25, 2022
While Congress has been out of town on its customary Easter recess for the last two weeks, the Biden administration has been busy on a number of fronts, including making policy decisions that impact cultural resources. Most notably, on Wednesday the White House...
ACRA Statement on Montpelier
The American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA) is extremely concerned regarding the continued actions of the Montpelier Foundation (Foundation) regarding the involvement of the Montpelier Descendants Committee (MDC), and we are additionally dismayed at the...
Deadline Approaching: 2022 ACRA Awards
The deadline to nominate your projects for the 2022 ACRA awards is fast approaching! Please send your nominations in by FRIDAY, APRIL 29 at 5 PM EDT. ACRA awards recognize clients who have demonstrated accomplishments and commitments above and beyond those required to...