Americans at Work – National Historic Landmark Theme Study on Labor History
The National Historic Landmarks Program is pleased to announce the release of a new theme study, Labor History in the United States, which highlights the many stories of Americans at work through current scholarship on labor history and nationally significant places....
Member Project Spotlight: High Speed Rail 2
Archaeologists working for ACRA member firm AECOM on the High Speed 2 rail project in the United Kingdom have made significant discoveries, uncovering one of the largest Anglo-Saxon burial sites ever excavated in the UK. Watch Dr. Rachel Wood, senior archeological...
Nominations Open for ACHP/HUD Secretary’s Award for Historic Preservation
Apply now for the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 2022-2023 ACHP/HUD Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation! This joint award honors outstanding projects that have advanced...
Army Corps of Engineers Seeks Comments on Appendix C
On June 3, 2022, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), published a Federal Register notice regarding its efforts to modernize the Civil Works program through a number of policy related issues. The notice discusses the consideration of potential rulemaking actions...
ACRA Comments on Proposed EVSE Exemption
ACRA has submitted comments to the ACHP about its proposed Section 106 exemption for federal agencies that install electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). The ACHP has proposed this exemption because they believe that installation of EVSE is likely to result in...
Your Congress in Action: June 6, 2022
Congress was in recess last week for the Memorial Day holiday, but while lawmakers were out of town, the administration was at work on a number of initiatives that impact cultural resources. Restoring Tribal Power on Water. The EPA has proposed tighter water...
2023 9th Preservation Policy Forum in Charleston, SC Cancelled
The 9th Preservation Policy Forum: A Critical Examination of New Design in Historic Context, originally scheduled for March 2023, is cancelled. Insurmountable logistical and support challenges led to this decision – one neither easily nor happily reached. Special...
Webinar 6/23: Innovative Approaches to Section 106 Mitigation
The ACHP is back for another ACRA webinar! Join us on June 23 at 2:00 pm EDT for Innovative Approaches to Section 106 Mitigation. While we presented a similar session in 2018, this webinar has been significantly updated, so even past registrants will get new...
Your Congress in Action: May 23, 2022
With the pivotal midterm elections less than five months away, both the White House and Congress are rapidly working to advance policy goals as they confront crises at home and abroad. With COVID numbers ticking up in many places across the country, the Biden...
Reminder: CfAS Database of Religious History Working Group
This is a brief reminder that the deadline for submitting your application to participate in “Coding the Past: The Challenges and Promise of Large-Scale Cultural Databases” is less than two weeks away! This project brings together archaeologists, historians and...