ACRA Member Jessica Yaquinto on EPR Podcast

ACRA Member Jessica Yaquinto on EPR Podcast

A new episode of the Environmental Professionals Radio podcast is out today, and it features another ACRA member. EPR follows environmental professionals at all levels of their career to bring you a nuanced and informed discussion on what it’s like to work in the...

ACRA Comments on Park Service’s Proposed NAGPRA Rules

ACRA has submitted comments to the National Park Service responding to their proposed rules outlining a systematic process under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) for the disposition and repatriation of Native American human remains,...

Your Congress in Action: January 30, 2023

Your Congress in Action: January 30, 2023

With the new Congress settling in and trying to figure out how to govern in a divided Washington, both parties are putting forward ideas that could have impacts, directly or indirectly, on CRM.  Here are a few of them: ACHP Adopts GSA Operations & Maintenance...

Now on Demand: Surveys: Are They Going to the Dogs?

Now on Demand: Surveys: Are They Going to the Dogs?

If you missed yesterday's webinar on the use of archaeological human remains detection (AHRD) canines, it is now available on demand! Participants will learn the science of dogs’ powerful noses and why they can be surprisingly accurate four-legged, biological sensors...

2023 Conference Call for Sessions OPEN

2023 Conference Call for Sessions OPEN

Do you have a topic that you think would be perfect for a presentation to fellow ACRA members? Is there a discussion the industry should be having? If so, we want to hear from you! The Call for Sessions for the 2023 ACRA Conference in Indianapolis is open! This year’s...

Webinar: The 2023 Outlook for CRM in Washington

Webinar: The 2023 Outlook for CRM in Washington

With a new, divided Congress taking office and battles brewing over the economy, the environment and more, what can you expect this year on the issues important to CRM in DC? Find out on Tuesday, February 7, at 2:00pm EST for The 2023 Outlook for CRM in Washington....