Proposed Changes to NEPA Regulations
The Biden administration released a proposed rule last week to finish undoing changes the previous administration made to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and to align it with recent changes approved by Congress. According to the White House Council on...
Proposed NPS PA on Cultural Resources Financial Assistance Undertakings
The National Park Service (NPS) is proposing to develop a Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for its cultural resources financial assistance undertakings. According to the NPS, the proposed Nationwide PA will “include cultural resources activities that are considered...
SBA Updates Small Business Size Standards to Reflect Inflation
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has issued a rule that finalizes, without change, its November 2022 interim provisions that adjusted monetary-based industry size standards for inflation. Specifically, the rule finalizes an additional 13.65% inflation...
Your Congress in Action: July 31, 2023
With temperatures in the nation’s capital reaching the triple digits last week, Congress escaped the heat as lawmakers started their month-long August recess, leaving a long to-do list for when they return in September. With the new fiscal year just two months away,...
Happy Hours at Indianapolis Conference
The 2023 ACRA Conference in Indianapolis is fast approaching! In addition to our regular events such as the Welcome Reception and the Awards Ceremony, a number of groups are again holding happy hours to connect and network with others: Small Business Happy Hour: meet...
Now on Demand: How to Improve your Descriptions of Historic House Interiors
If you missed last week's webinar on how to improve your descriptions of historic house interiors, it is now available on demand! Many historic preservation programs train young professionals to prepare high quality descriptions of exteriors but can fall short on...
Your Congress in Action: July 17, 2023
With their Fourth of July recess behind them, members of Congress returned to Washington last week with a long to-do list, but also some skepticism about whether they will be able to get much done. As the clock ticks towards the end of the fiscal year, both chambers...
NON-ACRA EVENT: GSA Federal Acquisition Service Industry Partner Symposium
Register for this symposium here. GSA Federal Acquisition Service Industry Partner Symposium Event by U.S. General Services Administration Start Time: 9:30 AM EDT End Time: 5:00 PM EDT GSA’s federal marketplace has over $87 billion of products, services and solutions...
2023 Board Elections Start Today
The voting period for the 2023 ACRA Board elections opens today! The candidates in this year's slate are vying for 7 open positions, including: President-Elect Secretary Treasurer Medium Firm Representative 3 At-Large Board Positions Each candidate has submitted a...
One Week Left: Conference Early Bird Pricing
There is only one week left to get the early bird rates for the 2023 ACRA Conference in Indianapolis! Head over to the conference page now to register at the lowest price of the year. The early bird prices will end after July 15. After that date, prices will go up $50...