Nominate Your Projects – 2024 ACRA Awards
Do you have a client who has demonstrated accomplishments and commitments above and beyond those required to meet laws and regulations pertaining to CRM? An ACRA firm or employee that has made a long-term contribution to the industry? If so, we want to know – the...
Now on Demand: Contemplate Your Career Path
If you missed the first session of the ACRA Careers webinar series, it is now available on Webinars on Demand! Contemplate Your Career Path is designed to provide you with a framework for exploring various job opportunities and career paths available to you. The goals...
2024 Conference Call for Sessions OPEN
Do you have a topic that you think would be perfect for a presentation to fellow ACRA members? Is there a discussion the industry should be having? If so, we want to hear from you! The Call for Sessions for the 2024 ACRA Conference in Albuquerque is open! This year’s...
NPI: Section 110 Surveys Project: FY23 Cooperative Agreement Cycle Projects Posted
The National Preservation Institute has posted the FY23 Cooperative Agreement Cycle Projects as a part of the DoD Legacy Resource Management Program NHPA Section 110 Surveys Project. The deadline to submit an expression of interest is January 30, 2024. Information...
Your Congress in Action: January 15, 2023
It’s a brand new year, but Washington is facing the same problems that stymied it in 2023. With the next deadline for avoiding a shutdown coming at the end of this week, the White House and congressional Republicans came to an agreement last week on overall spending...
For Students/Emerging CRM Professionals: ACRA Careers Webinar Series
ACRA is pleased to announce a new webinar series specifically created for students and emerging professionals in the CRM industry! This 3-session series will provide new skills to those just starting or early in their field on choosing a career path, interview skills,...
Now on Demand: Coordinating CERCLA and Section 106
If you missed last week’s webinar on coordinating CERCLA and Section 106, it is now available on ACRA Webinars on Demand! In this webinar, the ACHP introduces their Frequently Asked Questions on this topic and helps participants to identify opportunities to...
Request for Feedback: Changes to Permits for Archaeological Investigations
The Interior Department is requesting feedback from the public about its Form DI–1926 “Application for Permit for Archeological Investigations.” In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, federal agencies are required to provide the general public and...
Your Congress in Action | December 18, 2023
As 2023 nears its ending, ACRA looks back at some of the past year’s biggest federal policy developments, how ACRA advocated on behalf of CRM, and how they could impact the industry for years to come. Chaos on the Hill . . . On Capitol Hill, the year started with...
ACRA Principles on SOI Professional Qualification Standards
ACRA’s Board of Directors has approved a set of principles the organization believes should guide any changes to the Secretary of the Interior Professional Qualification Standards. The Standards describe in terms of academic attainment, training, and experience...