The Trump Administration is proposing dramatic changes to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations that will affect cultural resources. The proposed changes would reduce public input, place arbitrary timelines on the environmental review process, and exempt an array of projects from any review at all. The Coalition for American Heritage, of which ACRA is a founding member, is hosting a FREE webinar to give you a better look into the proposed NEPA changes and their impact on cultural resources.
Join Coalition staff for on February 10 at 2:00 PM EST for What You Need to Know about the Administration’s Proposed NEPA Changes. Attendees will get an overview of the proposed changes and how they could impact CRM work. You will also learn how you can make your voice heard during the public comment process, from communicating with Congress and the Administration to discussing the issue with your colleagues and community.
These changes could potentially affect the work you do every day – register now to stay informed!
Register Now: What You Need to
Know about the Administration’s
Proposed NEPA Changes