What is the state of the market for the CRM industry today? Where has it been and, most importantly, where is it going? If you don’t know where the market is, how are you going to know where to look to find the more rewarding opportunities and contracts? 

Join us on Thursday, October 5 at 2:00 pm EDT for The CRM Market by the Numbers: What Firms Need to Know for Planning, Competing, and Adding Value. This presentation presents the most up-to-date data on the CRM industry market from global to state levels. Quantitative data are presented so that firms can make informed, data-driven decisions about growth, expansion, and resource allocation that are needed for goal setting, strategic planning, marketing, boosting win probabilities, and adding financial value to firms.

As always, ACRA members enjoy the firm-wide registration benefit – once one person pays for a registration for the live session, all other employees can attend for no additional cost.

Sign up NOW to reserve your spot!