The ACHP is back for another ACRA webinar! Join us on June 23 at 2:00 pm EDT for Innovative Approaches to Section 106 Mitigation. While we presented a similar session in 2018, this webinar has been significantly updated, so even past registrants will get new information!
Large-scale federal projects and their effects to historic landscapes are challenging Section 106 participants to look beyond tried-and-true mitigation approaches. Consider ways to develop innovative ideas for resolving adverse effects in the consultation process during this webinar with Program Analyst Rachael Mangum and BLM Liaison/Program Analyst Bill Marzella. The session will highlight examples of big picture mitigation strategies that focus on project-scale outcomes. Participants will have an opportunity to apply their own creativity to a situation that begs for something beyond the typical historical documentation approach.
As always, ACRA members enjoy the firm-wide registration benefit – once one person pays for a registration for the live session, all other employees can attend for no additional cost.
Sign up NOW to reserve your spot!