As infrastructure improvements increase and the CRM industry continues to grow, cultural resource practitioners need to be more willing to consider alternative options as a way to approach resources requiring a mitigation-level effort. With increased interest in exploring this avenue in the last few years, there needs to be more concerted efforts in our approaches.
Join us on October 6 at 2:00 pm EDT for Alternative Mitigations: Let’s Continue the Discussion. This webinar provides the opportunity to not only hear from a panel of professionals with experience on this topic but also allows for an immersive discussion on alternative mitigation strategies, experiences, obstacles, and concerns. This will allow for participants to walk away from this webinar with ideas and strategies to be used in future projects.
As always, ACRA members enjoy the firm-wide registration benefit – once one person pays for a registration for the live session, all other employees can attend for no additional cost.
Sign up NOW to reserve your spot!