By now you have probably heard about the proposed changes to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations that will affect cultural resources. Maybe you attended the Coalition for American Heritage webinar on the subject, or maybe you have read the proposal yourself and are concerned. Now is it time for you to take action!
The Coalition for American Heritage, of which ACRA is a founding partner, has created a sample letter that you can use to submit your own comments to the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). There are three main issues that we wish to highlight:
- New criteria that will result in fewer actions being subject to NEPA review
- New rules unnecessarily limit public involvement
- The alternatives analysis will be constrained and will lead to poor decision-making
The Coalition for American Heritage makes it easy to take action on this, and contacting both the CEQ and your legislators takes just a few minutes. Simply add your own experiences and data to the sample letter and send!
ACRA is submitting comments as an organization (which we will share with membership when ready), but the more comments that are submitted, the louder we will be heard in Washington. Make your voice heard and submit comments to CEQ now – the deadline is March 10!