The National Preservation Institute would like to invite ACRA members to an informational meeting on NPI’s new partnership with the Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program. This special session ONLY for ACRA members will be held on December 12 at 3:00 pm EST. Presented via Zoom, there will be a brief PowerPoint presentation followed by time for Q&A.

Recently NPI entered into a five-year Cooperative Agreement with the Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program to administer the National Historic Preservation Act Section 110 Surveys Project. Details can be found at The announcement includes information about opportunities for CRM firms to participate in these projects as a subcontractor.

NPI is beginning to receive potential project information from DoD Federal Preservation Officers and installations. In FY2023, NPI has approximately $1.5 million to support Section 110 work for this first year of the cooperative agreement. NPI plans to begin contracting out the first round of projects early in 2024. NPI will oversee the execution of projects designed to identify, evaluate, and nominate historic properties under DoD stewardship. In coordination with installation staff, NPI will be responsible for refining scopes of work, identifying and engaging subcontractors to perform the studies, and ensuring the successful completion of each project.

If you’re with a cultural resource management-related organization—government, nonprofit, or consulting firm—you may want to know more about upcoming Section 110 survey work.

Contact us to get the information to join.