The 2019 ACRA Conference in Spokane is just a few weeks away! This year’s program includes a wide variety of dynamic sessions and events, but we wanted to take the time to highlight one in particular – Session 4: Tribal Views on the Adequacy of the “C” in CRM.
Native American Tribes have members and hire non-members who are cultural resources professionals (i.e., Secretary of the Interior [SOI] qualified) that perform the same functions as CRM professionals who work off the reservations. In addition, Tribes assert that non-tribal CRM professionals lack knowledge about cultural resources that undermine interpretations and conclusions of investigations that have the potential to result in harm to resources, some that are adequately defined in applicable regulations, and others that are not given adequate consideration by many studies. In this session, two Pacific Northwest tribal cultural resources leaders will take questions and provide perspectives on these and other aspects of CRM that often evade industry and agency professionals.
We hope that attendees will join us for this frank dialogue on working with Native American tribes. Tribal representatives who wish to attend for this session can do so for $50 less than the traditional one-day cost.
Register now to attend this session and join the conversation!