ACRA’s CRM Industry Salary Survey has returned after 6 years, and now is your last chance participate! If you have not already, it is imperative that you complete the survey by this Sunday, May 19.
The survey has maintained a primary focus on patterns of annual sales, business practices, and wage and benefit packages, helping you understand where your firm measures up compared to others. The independently collected and analyzed results provide essential longitudinal information on the state of the CRM industry. These data help substantiate industry trends over the long term, and no other organization collects this information specifically for CRM.
We are also happy to announce that based on member feedback, we will be enhancing our summary report by including regional data. The CRM industry can vary widely depending on what part of the country you work in, and our report will now provide you with benchmarking statistics specific to your region. The summary report will be available in June.
Both member and non-member firms are encouraged and needed to participate, and anyone who completes the survey will receive the summary of results. The information you share will NOT be tied to your name or any other personally identifying information, so you don’t have to worry about any of your financial data being shared with others.
Help us provide this valuable information that can be vital in running and planning for the future of your firm – complete the salary survey before the end of the weekend.
If you run your own firm or CRM division and did NOT receive an invitation to complete the survey, contact us to receive a personalized link.