Did you miss the Coalition for American Heritage’s webinar on the proposed NEPA changes earlier this week? If so, now you can view it on your own time – the recording is available below! Watch to learn how the proposed changes stand to impact cultural resources.
After you watch, be sure to contact your members of Congress regards your concerns. The Coalition wants to highlight 3 main concerns:
- The proposed rule establishes new criteria that will result in fewer actions being subject to NEPA review; however, these criteria are very ambiguous and undefined, and may result in no NEPA review for actions that will have a significant effect on the human environment.
- The new rules unnecessarily limit public involvement.
- For those projects subject to NEPA review, the alternatives analysis will be constrained and will lead to poor decision-making.
The Coalition has provided full draft text for you to use to contact your legislators – click here to take action!