From the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (NATHPO):
Save the date! NATHPO is thrilled to announce the
22nd Annual National Tribal Preservation Conference will be held virtually January 25-28, 2022.
This year’s conference theme is Unity and Healing.
Native voices — power in unity, healing in restoration.
When we speak with united voices, we are powerful.
When lands, languages, practices, and ancestors are restored, we heal.
As always, count on NATHPO to provide a diverse, compelling agenda full of solutions-focused programming including: learning opportunities, listening sessions, cultural presentations, and most importantly, a space to come together. While we will not be together in person, this conference will remind us we are members of a brilliant community working together to Protect Native Places. Our hope is that you will be reinvigorated and ready for all the opportunities of 2022.
Attached here and on the conference webpage, please find:
- Save-the-Date,
- Instructions for submitting a presentation proposal,
- Conference sponsorship information,
- Call for nominees for our inaugural Excellence in Tribal Historic Preservation Award — join us to highlight and recognize exemplary work of THPO colleagues!
Additionally on the conference webpage, we are proud to offer online registration with some exciting new options.