
ACRA Officers and Board of Directors
ACRA is governed by a Board of Directors, elected for three-year terms by the membership. Board members can serve two successive terms. Seats on the board are assigned to members elected by firms in membership categories based on gross revenues. The Board is chaired by a President elected by the membership for a two-year term, preceded by a two-year period as President-elect. An Executive Board comprises the President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President for Membership, Vice-President for Government Relations, and Vice-President for Diversity.
ACRA Officers
Cinder Miller
Gray & Pape
Shawn Patch
New South Associates
Vice President for Government Relations
Kimball Banks
Metcalf Archaeological Consultants
Vice President for Membership
Ellen Turco
Richard Grubb and Associates, Inc.
Vice President for Diversity
Nesta Anderson
Legacy Cultural Resources
Brandon Gabler
SWCA Environmental Consultants
Shelly Davis-King
Davis King & Associates
Immediate Past President
Dan Cassedy
ACRA Board of Directors
Designated Board Seats
Small Firm
Sally Evans
Evans & De Shazo, Inc.
Medium Firm
Lyle Torp
Ottery Group
Large Firm
Robert Heckman
Statistical Research, Inc.
Board Members
Jacki Mullen
Alpine Archaeological Consultants, Inc.
Matthew Piscitelli
Scott Phillips
SWCA Environmental Consultants
Andrew Weir
Chronicle Heritage
Ryan Peterson
Cardno, Inc.
Charissa Durst
Hardlines Design Company
Michelle Wurtz Penton
David Klinge
ASC Group
Jo Reese
Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc.
Mason Miller
AmaTerra Environmental, an ERG Company

Amanda Stratton
Executive Director
Amanda Stratton joined as ACRA’s full-time executive director in June 2018. She provides day-to-day management for the organization and works with the Board of Directors to execute ACRA’s strategic plan. With previous experience in legislative organizing for both trade and non-profit groups, Amanda has extensive experience in association management and growth. Amanda is a graduate of George Mason University where she majored in government and international politics with minors in American history and Spanish.