The American Cultural Resources Association and the Society for American Archaeology understand that these are challenging and rapidly-changing times that more than ever require the close collaboration of those who care about protecting and preserving the nation’s shared cultural past.
ACRA is the national trade association supporting and promoting the common interests of cultural resource management (CRM) firms of all sizes, types, and specialties. ACRA member firms undertake much of the legally mandated CRM studies and investigations in the United States and employ thousands of CRM professionals, including archaeologists, architectural historians, historians, and an increasingly diverse group of other specialists. Using free market business practices, ACRA firms deploy skilled teams to provide clients with the best service while fulfilling ethical and professional commitments to people and cultural resources, as well as providing communities with a voice in development processes.
The SAA is an international organization that, since its founding in 1934, has been dedicated to research about and interpretation and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With nearly 7,000 members, SAA represents professional and avocational archaeologists, archaeology students in colleges and universities, and archaeologists working at Tribal agencies, museums, government agencies, and the private sector. SAA has members throughout the U.S., as well as in many nations around the world.
Our organizations will continue to work together and with other like-minded professional organizations to represent the interests of cultural resources management and conservation to all sectors of government, including Congressional representatives on both sides of the aisle, federal and state agencies, tribal governments and agencies, and state legislatures. Drawing together the voices of our collective members is essential to ensuring preservation initiatives are at the forefront of national discussions and are fostered in local communities. We are committed to accomplishing this goal jointly and look forward to future opportunities to do so.