
Need an internship? Want an intern? You’re in the right place!

If your firm has an opportunity for an intern, please email us the details and we will post it here.


“My internship, sponsored by Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc., with HistoriCorps and Greybull River Sustainable Landscape Ecology (GRLSE) was nothing short of transformative in my life. Unable to attend an archaeological field school as an undergraduate, this internship taught me valuable skills I could not have learned in the classroom and that archaeology was the field for me. I simply would not be the archaeologist I am today without it.”

— Meghan Dudley

“The Department of Sociology and Anthropology has greatly benefited from our association with Metcalf and their heritage preservation internship program. The internships are a great introduction to field archaeology for our students. Of the six students who have participated in the program over the last five years, three are enrolled or enrolling in archaeology graduate programs. It is fair to say that their internship experience helped them identify their desired career track. We hope to be able to continue this relationship with Metcalf in which our students gain these valuable experiences.”

— Dr. Michael Neeley, Department Head, Sociology and Anthropology, Montana State University

“My internship at Versar, Inc. (formerly Geo-Marine, Inc.) was invaluable. I received exposure to a broad range of CRM services (archaeology, bioarchaeology, architecture, public outreach, and GIS). The internship was the best thing I did in regards to my education and it opened the door to the CRM industry for me. I would not be where I am now without it.”

— Michelle Wurtz Penton, Operatins Manager, Versar, Inc.