This post was originally authored by Dan Cassedy.
I know everyone is scrambling now to try to maintain their business operations while protecting their employees and complying with government directives. We have all seen various tips and guidelines, but I thought it might be helpful to share the Task Hazard Analysis (THA) that AECOM has put together to provide additional guidance for our employees (see attached document). This includes a summary of job steps, potential hazards, and possible actions that can be taken to mitigate those hazards. These include activities such as Driving To and From Job Sites, Working Around Others, Handling Shared Equipment and Tools, Exposure during Lunch and Bathroom Breaks, Exposure at Hotels, etc.
AECOM has begun to implement this THA and treats it as a living document to be constantly evaluated and refined as our crews make on-site safety observations that are specific to COVID-19. For example, on a recent architectural history survey, our field team noted that the crew maintained utilization of their own equipment (clipboards, papers, cameras, PPE, etc.), did not share things (everything from pens to the safety/tailgate sign-in sheet), and maintained physical distances. They also observed that property owners were friendly but are perhaps not as cognizant of safety measures that are being taken in more urban areas, and daily tailgates meetings were conducted from individually driven cars parked about 15-20 feet away from each other.
The ACRA Health & Safety committee would love to hear feedback from others who are also in the front lines of trying to make all this work. How has your firm implemented additional health & safety guidelines? Let us know in the comments below!