ACRA is co-sponsoring the 8th National Forum on Historic Preservation Policy, which will be held April 16-17, 2021 at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA. The Forum will explore strategies to develop new or revise local historic preservation policies or practices to integrate better historic preservation into the challenges of the 21st century American city. Specifically, what priority issues will cities face in the next 50 years, what role can historic preservation best play in meeting them, how do current polices help – or hinder – that goal?
The final agenda for the event is now available here. Friday’s Shields Preservation Lecture Series Keynote Address is titled Preservation, Adam Smith, and the Circular Economy. Other sessions include panels on preservation and:
- Diversity and inclusion
- Displacement and gentrification
- Climate change
- Planning
Click here for additional updates on the Forum. Registration will begin on November 15, 2020 here.