Feeling like you missed out on the Virtual 2020 ACRA Annual Conference? You’re in luck – all of the conference sessions are now available on demand!
Cultural resource practitioners usually look to the past for our data—searching historical records, looking at old buildings, gathering oral histories from community elders, or digging important sites. Like many organizations in 2020, though, we took our conference to the future instead. Using the most up-to-date technologies, we hosted our 2020 conference virtually over two half days on September 24 and 25.
A combination of webinars and interactive round tables were presented on both days. Many of this year’s sessions focused on diversity and inclusion, both within the cultural resource management industry and the larger historic preservation field. Sessions ranged from an update from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation to in-depth dialogues on diversity in historic preservation.
Whether you want to watch the whole suite of sessions or just a few recordings, you can pick and choose the sessions you are most interested in! Members can get their discount code here. Both the awards ceremony and ACRA business meeting are FREE for viewing by all, and are available in the bonus features of the page.
Watch the 2020 conference sessions now!
Virtual ACRA Annual Conference from ACRA on Vimeo.