The ACRA board supports the communication strategy developed by the Promoting Synergy Between the Academy and the CRM Industry Task Force to foster collaboration, and has asked Duane Peter to be chairperson of a newly formed committee. The Academic Collaboration Committee will implement the communication strategy and develop concepts for promoting further collaboration.
The committee will be made up of both ACRA CRM industry representatives and academic representatives. Initial efforts will focus on communicating the need for digitization and preservation of data sets for the future. This effort is aimed at influencing fellow professionals, State Historic Preservation Officers, ACHP, the National Trust, and congressional representatives. We will also be working on efforts to promote academic/industry collaboration.
The Society for Archaeological Sciences has already indicated an interest in working with the committee to promote collaboration. What is needed at this point is additional ACRA representatives to serve on the committee. The committee will function primarily by teleconference and email. If you have ideas on fostering collaboration with the academic community, please contact Duane Peter to join this worthwhile effort.