Federal Government Shutdown FAQs

Once again, the country faces the prospect of another federal government shutdown at the end of the week if Congress and the White House cannot agree on spending bills or a short-term extension of current funding levels. This potential shutdown is different than...
Your Congress in Action: February 26, 2024

Your Congress in Action: February 26, 2024

In 45 B.C., Julius Caesar created a new calendar for his Empire. The earliest Roman calendars would over time slip out of alignment with the changing of the seasons. And so one of Caesar’s predecessors invented a new month, Mercedonius, to take place once every few...

ACRA Collections Survey

The Collections Management and Curation Committee would like to invite membership to participate in the ACRA Collections Survey. With this anonymous survey, the Committee is seeking to assess the number of orphaned collections currently housed in the offices of CRM...