A Look at Recent Executive Orders

A Look at Recent Executive Orders

President Biden has been busy issuing Executive Orders (EOs) during his first weeks in office. Yesterday’s Your Congress in Action briefly looked at the EOs that potentially affect CRM, and now we want to take a deeper dive into them. So, let’s discuss exactly...
Your Congress in Action: Vol. 22

Your Congress in Action: Vol. 22

Your Congress in Action is a series that highlights the Capitol Hill news that affects CRM firms the most. Be sure to subscribe to the ACRAsphere to ensure you don’t miss an update. In his first 10 days in office, President Biden has signed a blizzard of...
Reminder: Share Your 2020 Projects

Reminder: Share Your 2020 Projects

We have been honored to feature some fascinating member firm projects from 2020 as a part of our new ACRAsphere series. From digitizing photo collections for USACE in Virginia (SEARCH) to working on the first new road construction in 50 years in Sitka, Alaska (Sea...