PastForward 2022 Session Proposals

PastForward 2022 Session Proposals

From the National Trust for Historic Preservation: The National Trust for Historic Preservation is looking for your proposals for the annual PastForward conference, happening from November 1-4, 2022. We are looking for ideas for conference content under the following...
Your Congress in Action: March 14, 2022

Your Congress in Action: March 14, 2022

“I grew up with a strong sense of the importance of cultura [culture] and herencia [heritage] and the importance of being able to pass it on. It is a gift we nurture in our generation in order to preserve it and give it, not as a gift, but as an obligation to the next...
Discounted Rate for NAEP Conference

Discounted Rate for NAEP Conference

As a part of our partnership with the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP), we are thrilled to announce that ACRA members can now attend their annual conference at the NAEP member rate (a discount of $100)! The 2022 NAEP Annual Conference and...
One Week Left for Session Proposals!

One Week Left for Session Proposals!

If you have an idea that you think CRM professionals should be discussing, hurry – the deadline to submit proposals for the 2022 ACRA Conference is in just one week! This year’s conference theme — CRM: Bridging Agencies, Industries, and the Community —...