Your Congress in Action: August 30, 2022

Your Congress in Action: August 30, 2022

As Labor Day looms, Congress is preparing to return to Washington for a short work session before heading onto the campaign trail for the pivotal 2022 midterm elections. On its to-do list for September are few issues that could directly impact CRM. Permitting Reform....
Non-ACRA Event: Satellite Summit 2022

Non-ACRA Event: Satellite Summit 2022

The Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians, and the Summit Agenda Planning Committee, Eppard Vision are hosting the 2nd Annual and 1st Hybrid Satellite Summit on October 12! Over the past 15 years, conversations at the annual Cultural Resource Protection Summit have matured,...
Interest Group Happy Hours @ ACRA Conference

Interest Group Happy Hours @ ACRA Conference

There is now less than a month to go until the 2022 ACRA Conference in San Antonio!  In addition to our regular events such as the Welcome Reception and the Awards Ceremony (which will be held at the Alamo!), this year we have a number of groups holding happy hours to...
Your Congress in Action: August 30, 2022

Your Congress in Action: August 16, 2022

After several near-death experiences, Congress has sent to President Biden a comprehensive climate and health care bill that, while far short of Biden’s original plans, represents significant new investments in Democrats’ domestic priorities. The Inflation Reduction...