Your Congress in Action: April 24, 2023

Your Congress in Action: April 24, 2023

As Congress and the White House jostle over the prospect of the federal government defaulting on its debts, permitting reforms that could impact NEPA and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act may be swept into a deal. The Treasury Department is...

2023 ACRA Awards Deadline Approaching

Do you have a client who has demonstrated accomplishments and commitments above and beyond those required to meet laws and regulations pertaining to CRM? An ACRA firm or employee that has made a long-term contribution to the industry? If so, time is running out to...
Your Congress in Action: April 24, 2023

Your Congress in Action: April 12, 2023

Congress headed off for its traditional two-week Easter recess last week with a sizable to-do list of important policy items left hanging. First and foremost, Congress and the White House need to come to an agreement on raising the debt ceiling, the statutory limit on...