Do you have a topic that you think would be perfect for a presentation to fellow CRMers? Is there a discussion you think the industry should be having? If so, we want to know!
The Call for Sessions for the 2019 ACRA Conference is open!
The ACRA Annual Meeting is a prime venue to exchange ideas and meet new colleagues. It is through member participation that our conference program can expand each year, bringing new ideas and evoking teamwork as we strive to make our industry stronger. Only with your ideas can we craft a well-rounded program that provides value to attendees!
Using the conference theme as a general guide, sessions can reflect a variety of CRM topics, including business operations, reaching out to the academy, continued education, technological advances, advocacy, and best practices. Sessions can involve an individual speaker, a suite of presenters, or a panel (maximum of four panelists); they can also revolve around a presentation or an interactive activity. Each session will last between 45 minutes and two hours, depending on the topic.
Click here to learn more about the submission requirements, and hurry – proposals are due March 15!