Earlier this year ACRA members elected the organization’s first Vice President of Diversity – Nesta Anderson. While existing ACRA committees and initiatives worked to promote and expand diversity through various means in recent years, last year the Board of Directors decided that a more formal approach was needed, including representation at the very top level at ACRA leadership.
One of Nesta’s first goals in her role is to build a formal Diversity Committee, and we are looking for volunteers now. This committee will work to ensure that groups of all backgrounds have representation and a voice within ACRA. They will work to expand and integrate diversity and inclusion practices and programs within the association and industry at large.
Please let us know if you are interested in joining the Diversity Committee. We aim for this committee to have representation in all areas where CRM is diverse – such as race and ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, but also including other areas like region of practice and CRM discipline. This committee can include non-members, so if you have someone in mind who would be a good fit, let us know.
Nesta, the Board of Directors, and all of ACRA are committed to making real, lasting change both within the organization and the entire CRM industry. Please let us know if you (or someone you know) are interested in being a part of that change!