ACRA Communities create spaces for groups within the CRM industry that offer opportunities to connect with each other, share ideas, and offer support. The first ACRA Community, created as a pilot for the program, focuses on providing a space for women in leadership positions in the industry.

The next ACRA Community will focus on emerging CRM professionals. This can include graduate students and/or those just beginning their careers in the field (typically in the first 5 years in the CRM industry). Other eligible members include those embarking on a second career, those entering CRM post-military, and potentially individuals switching specialties within the industry.

Before the community launches, we are looking for experienced CRM practitioners to act as mentors within the group. Mentors will be placed within the group to offer career advice, safe industry connections outside of individual firms, and general support. Mentors will be provided with training by ACRA prior to the community launch in order to be equipped with the skills they need to be most effective.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor within the ACRA Emerging Professionals Community, send us an email at [email protected]! In an effort to foster safe and respectful connections, mentors will be selected by members of the Executive Committee to ensure that a variety of CRM disciplines, geographic locations, and other criteria are represented. Mentors must be part of an ACRA member firm to participate.