ACRA offers the ONLY online continuing education opportunities specifically tailored to cultural resource management professionals – and the full 2019 slate is now available!

This year’s webinar schedule has been carefully crafted with ACRA members in mind. Some sessions focus specifically on meeting the federal requirements on which our industry is based, such as Planning for Section 106 Agreements on June 20. Others are meant to help your firm run more efficiently – for example, Accounting Basics on May 9 is essential for all employees to attend (and could save you money in the long term!).

Check out our full slate of sessions for 2019 below, and remember that ACRA members always receive a reduced rate. Several of these sessions are only going to be offered live, so you won’t be able to view the recording after. Space is limited – make sure to reserve your spot today!

May 9

Accounting Basics


June 20

ACHP: Planning for Successful Section 106 Agreements


July 25

Meetings for a Healthy Organization


September 19

From Lead to Long-Time Client: Managing the Firm-Client Relationship


October 10

Forecasting 101


December 5

ACHP: Meeting the Reasonable and Good Faith Identification Standard in Section 106 Review
