Reminder: Firm Survey on Anti-Discrimination/Harassment Policies
If you didn't complete ACRA's survey on organizational policies concerning gender equity, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace, there is still time to do so! The overall goal is to tie existing information about reported harassment to longer term goals for...
THREE Questions: Jessica Yaquinto
THREE Questions is a new blog series highlighting ACRA member firms and their experiences in the CRM industry. ABOUT OUR MEMBER: Jessica Yaquinto is the Founder and Principal Investigator of Living Heritage Anthropology, LLC and President/CEO of the 501c3 non-profit...
Historic Funding for Preservation
This post originally appeared on the Coalition for American Heritage website. Today, the Coalition for American Heritage is celebrating a victory for our advocacy on behalf of historic preservation. Congress is poised to pass legislation that will give preservation...
Reminder: Stand Up for your Profession!
Last week we asked you to contact your representatives about the reorganization of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). If you still haven't made your call, we need you to do so now! The Trump Administration is moving the headquarters of BLM, and it is anticipated...
New ACHP Handbook: Early Coordination with Indian Tribes During Pre-application Processes
When project applicants and federal agencies are informed about the existence of historic properties of religious and cultural significance to Indian tribes early in project planning, opportunities to consider non-destructive alternatives are increased. Proactive...
ACRA Survey: Anti-Discrimination/Harassment Policies within CRM Organizations
In light of the recent conversations about gender equity and safe workspaces in cultural resource management and fieldwork-oriented professions, ACRA has developed a survey that asks companies to provide a snapshot of the participation of individuals of all genders in...
ACHP Webinar Now Available on Webinars on Demand
If you missed yesterday's session on Meeting the Reasonable and Good Faith Identification Standard in Section 106 Review, now you can watch it on your own schedule! The President's Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) joined us yesterday for an advanced...
Call to Action: BLM Reorganization
ACRA is mobilizing with our partners at the Coalition for American Heritage to ask you to contact your representatives about the reorganization of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)! The Trump Administration is moving the headquarters of BLM. As part of the process,...
Deadline Extended: Call for 2020 Webinar Topics
We heard from a number of you that you needed a bit more time to send in your proposals for 2020 webinars, and we have good news: the deadline has been extended to Thursday, December 5. From the technical aspects of cultural resource management to expanding general...
Deals on ACRA Savings Marketplace
Have you checked out the ACRA Savings Marketplace yet? You can save money on your holiday shopping and travel just by being an ACRA member. There are currently over 527 different brands offering deals on the Marketplace, including some of the brands you use often....