List of Expedited Projects – Is Yours on the List?

In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the Center for Biological Diversity has obtained a list of the projects that have been expedited in response to President Trump's Executive Order (EO) issued in June. The EO directed federal agencies to waive...

Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

With the 2020 Annual Conference going virtual, ACRA has the opportunity to unveil some new sponsorship benefits! While we updated our conference-related sponsor benefit program last year, the virtual option has allowed us to include some new options specific to the...

Resources: Protect Historic Preservation Funding in Your State

As the pandemic continues, many CRM firms have wondered how the impacts to state budgets will affect both ongoing and future projects. Many states are facing budgets cuts due to decreased tax revenue, and both SHPO offices and infrastructure projects could be affected...

SAA Workshop: Demystifying CRM Careers

The Society for American Archaeology is hosting a virtual panel this Wednesday aimed at students and professionals just starting out in their careers. Demystifying CRM Careers aims to covers a wide range of topics, including professional development, challenges and...

Your Congress in Action: Vol. 11

Your Congress in Action: Vol. 11

Your Congress in Action is a series that highlights the Capitol Hill news that affects CRM firms the most. This information is sourced from the Coalition for American Heritage, news articles, and more. Be sure to subscribe to the ACRAsphere to ensure you don't miss an...

Resources: Archaeology in the Time of Black Lives Matter

In June, The Society for Black Archaeologists (SBA), the Theoretical Archaeology Group, and the Columbia Center for Archaeology joined forces to present "Archaeology in the Time of Black Lives Matter." This panel discussion explores ways to engage with the insights...

Technical Writing for CRM – September 10

Technical Writing for CRM: Developing More Efficient CommunicationSeptember 10, 2020 | 2:00 pm EDT | Register Now The vast majority of writing in cultural resources management is for non-archaeological audiences, yet the writing guidelines traditionally used in modern...

Challenges to New NEPA Regulations

As expected, legal challenges to the changes to the NEPA regulations unveiled in July have been filed by various groups. Three major actions have been filed in (follow links to see full complaints): New York, California, and Virginia. The Natural Resources Defense...