Joint Statement from ACRA and SAA
The American Cultural Resources Association and the Society for American Archaeology understand that these are challenging and rapidly-changing times that more than ever require the close collaboration of those who care about protecting and preserving the nation’s...
ACHP Chairman Announces Policy Statement on Promotion and Value of Traditional Trades Training
From the ACHP: The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) today announced the findings of a task force working to promote the development of a robust workforce in the skilled preservation trades. ACHP members adopted a policy statement prepared by the...
Surveys for NCHRP: PAs and Postwar Commercial Properties
ACRA member firm Mead & Hunt is undertaking a project for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) that will focus on project-level Programmatic Agreements (PAs) and Post-World War II (postwar) commercial property types (NCHRP Project 25-62). The...
Interested in the ACRA Healthcare Program? Learn More in a Webinar!
Many of us struggle to find affordable healthcare for ourselves, our families, and our employees, but as many of you know, we now have our own option for you to consider. We have partnered with SALA (an industry trade association for organizations like ours) to offer...
Introducing Mastermind: A New Way to Help Small Firms
Owning a small business can be tough. Especially if you feel you have to solve every problem yourself. But what if you could reach out to other people who have faced similar challenges? What if you could meet with other smart people to face problems and challenges...
Call for Submissions – 2021 ACRA Continuing Education
Do you have a great idea for a webinar for CRM professionals? Do you have a presentation you give regularly that you think would be great for a larger audience? If so, we want to hear your proposals - the call for 2021 ACRA webinar sessions is now open! We are looking...
Army Corps of Engineers Releases Draft PA for Florida
From the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District is accepting public comments on its Draft Programmatic Agreement for the Corps’ operations, navigation and shore protection programs in Florida. The Programmatic Agreement...
SBA Simplifies Forgiveness for Small PPP Loans
On October 8, the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Department of the Treasury announced new guidance that simplifies the forgiveness process for businesses that received small loans as a part of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Now, businesses that...
FREE Virtual Event: 8th Dennis Farm Annual Symposium
ACRA member Wade Catts of South River Heritage Consulting will be presenting at 8th Dennis Farm Annual Symposium on Friday, October 16 at 1:00 pm. This free virtual event celebrates the 270th Birthday of Dennis Family ancestor Prince Perkins, the free African American...
Demystifying Careers in CRM
This post was submitted by Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. and originally appears on their blog. On August 26, Kimball Banks, [Metcalf's] Director of Strategic Development and Government Relations joined a panel of cultural resource management professionals...