pXRF in CRM: Research Literature Request

ACRA Community-  The use of scientific techniques like portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (pXRF) is becoming more common in historical archaeology. Research focusing on how and why archaeologists use these techniques is important to ensuring the future effective...

2020 Project Spotlight: FM 756 (AmaTerra Environmental)

ACRA is celebrating the work of its member firms through this new series highlighting 2020 projects. To be featured, submit your project here. Landing Strip - Google Earth Pro 2019 FM 756 Tyler, Smith County - Texas AmaTerra Environmental, Inc. AmaTerra Environmental,...

2020 Project Spotlight: Discovery of USS Nevada (SEARCH)

ACRA is celebrating the work of its member firms through this new series highlighting 2020 projects. To be featured, submit your project here. Discovery of USS Nevada Pacific Ocean SEARCH, Inc. SEARCH and their partner, Ocean Infinity, located USS Nevada (BB-36) 65...

Upcoming Webinars on Diversity – Non-ACRA Events of Interest

A new year brings new opportunities for growth, and that includes growth within diversity and inclusion in the CRM industry. We are planning to unveil numerous projects addressing this issue in the new year, including sessions as a part of the ACRA webinar series. In...

Your Congress in Action: Vol. 19

Your Congress in Action: Vol. 19

Your Congress in Action is a series that highlights the Capitol Hill news that affects CRM firms the most. Be sure to subscribe to the ACRAsphere to ensure you don't miss an update. As a year none of us will forget (try as we might) comes to an end, a flurry of...

Our Next THREE Questions Feature: YOU!

Our Next THREE Questions Feature: YOU!

THREE Questions is a blog series highlighting ACRA member firms and their experiences in the CRM industry. The questions are inspired by ACRA's prioritized strategic outcomes, and the series is a great opportunity to highlight your firm. This can lead to potential new...

Please Support the Institute for Heritage Education

Editor's Note: The Institute for Heritage Education is an opportunity for individual firms to support heritage education. ACRA is currently working on programs that complement IHE's work at an organizational level, including partnering directly with universities. Look...

NATHPO Virtual Conference – January 27 & 28

NATHPO Virtual Conference – January 27 & 28

On January 27 and 28, 2021, the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (NATHPO) is holding a FREE Virtual Conference, and ACRA members and other CRM professionals are encouraged to attend! Under the theme of "Resilience in a Changing...