ACRA Comments on DOT Proposed Rulemaking
ACRA has submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Transportation in response to their notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that makes changes to the DOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE)...
Addressing Diversity and Inclusion in Current Labor Market: Next Hot Topics Series
Join us on Tuesday, November 15 for the next session of our new Hot Topics series, which will give CRM practitioners the opportunity to participate in discussions and problem-solving for pressing issues facing the industry. The topic of this session will be addressing...
Your Congress in Action: October 24, 2022
With Congress leaving town earlier this month, Washington’s attention turns to the 2022 midterm elections. With all 435 House seats and a third of Senate seats up for a vote, the outcome of the November poll will determine which party controls each chamber in 2023 and...
2022 ACRA Award Winners
The 2022 ACRA Awards were presented at the Annual Conference in San Antonio, and we were thrilled to congratulate the following winners: Souder Miller & Associates for the Navajo Gallup Water Supply Project: BBN9 Lateral Archaeological and Ethnographic Survey The...
University Recognition Program Now Live!
The cultural resource management industry and academia have always been closely linked, and collaboration between the two is now more important than ever before. ACRA’s University Partnership Program aims to create stronger links between universities and CRM firms to...
NPS Study Evaluating Cold War Defensive Sites
The National Historic Landmarks Program is pleased to announce the release of a new theme study, Protecting America: Cold War Defensive Sites. Prepared by John S. Salmon as a National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO) consultant, with the...
Black Heritage Resources Task Force White Paper & Recommendations
The Black Heritage Resources Task Force was formed in 2020 and was a collaborative endeavor that involved the Society of Black Archaeologists, Society for Historical Archaeology, Society for American Archaeology, and ACRA. The task force had two goals: 1) to collect...
DOT Proposed Rulemaking: Potential Changes to DBE Program
The U.S. Department of Transportation has published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that makes changes to certain aspects of the DOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) Programs – including...
Now on Demand – Alternative Mitigations: Let’s Continue the Discussion
If you missed yesterday’s webinar on identifying and mitigating sexual harassment in CRM, it is now available on demand! This webinar provides the opportunity to not only hear from a panel of professionals with experience on this topic but also allows for an immersive...
Call for 2023 Webinars Open!
Share Your Expertise & Earn Extra Money - 2023 ACRA Webinars Do you have a great idea for a webinar for CRM professionals? Do you have a presentation you give regularly that you think would be great for a larger audience? If so, we want to hear your proposals...