2023 ACRA Salary Survey – RFP Released

ACRA, the trade association for the American cultural resources management (CRM) industry, is seeking a qualified independent research firm to gather information about salaries and benefits that employees receive. ACRA conducted salary surveys in 2005, 2007, 2009,...

Your Congress in Action: December 5, 2022

Your Congress in Action: December 5, 2022

As the clock ticks down to the end of the year, both sides of Pennsylvania Avenue are hard at work advancing major policy changes, including a number that impact CRM. Rescinding Appendix C. In a major announcement last week, the White House indicated that the U.S....

White House Announces New Actions Regarding Appendix C

White House Announces New Actions Regarding Appendix C

The White House is hosting the second Tribal Nations Summit of the Biden Administration this week and has announced a number of new actions, including a rulemaking effort by USACE proposing to rescind Appendix C: The U.S. Army has historically used USACE Appendix C...

Your Congress in Action: November 21, 2022

Your Congress in Action: November 21, 2022

What a difference two weeks makes. In early November, Republicans were anticipating a “red wave” that would sweep them to power in both chambers of Congress, enabling them to undo President Biden’s agenda and chart a new course for the country. Instead, Democrats kept...

Webinar 12/8: Planning for Successful 106 Agreements

The ACHP is back for ACRA's final webinar of 2022! Join us on December 8 at 2:00 pm EST for Planning for Successful Section 106 Agreements. While we presented a similar session in 2019, this webinar has been significantly updated, so even past registrants will get new...

One Week Left for 2023 Webinar Submissions!

If you have a great idea for a webinar for CRM professionals, you have just over one week left to submit your proposals - the call for 2023 ACRA webinar sessions closes next Friday! As a reminder, we hope to offer a range of topics for sessions, from expanding general...