ACHP Members Approve Updated Policy on Burial Sites, Human Remains, and Funerary Objects
From the ACHP: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) members today unanimously approved a critical update to its 2007 policy statement on burial sites, human remains, and funerary objects. The new policy was adopted in response to unfortunate and traumatic...
Poll: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology in CRM
Before next week's Hot Topics session on the subject, please take our short poll on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) language model technology in the CRM industry! Loading…
Your Congress in Action: February 27, 2023
Things are unusually quiet on Capitol Hill these days as both chambers finish a President’s Day recess and committees are finalizing their rosters and legislative plans for the year. But that relative quiet will soon give way to a buzz of activity as both parties...
Webinar 3/16: Principles of Curation for Cultural Resource Professionals
Professional archaeologists have ethical, legal, and contractual obligations to curate the materials recovered during cultural resource management investigations. Curation of artifacts and project records at a qualified museum or repository ensures the long-term...
2022 Project Spotlight: Integrations at Ingleside Plantation (Seramur & Associates, PC)
ACRA is celebrating the work of its member firms through this new series highlighting 2022 projects. To be featured, submit your project here. Integration of Shallow Geophysics, Archaeology, and Photographs at Ingleside Plantation Lincoln Co., NC Seramur &...
ACRA Hot Topics Series: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Writing in CRM
Join us on Tuesday, March 7 for the next session of our Hot Topics series, which give CRM practitioners the opportunity to participate in discussions and problem-solving for pressing issues facing the industry. The topic of this session will be artificial intelligence...
Paid Summer Student Opportunity: Cultural Heritage in the Forest (CHIF) 2023
The U.S. Forest Service (FS) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) invite Historically Black College & University students interested in historic preservation or history-related fields to apply to the 2023 Cultural Heritage in the Forest (CHIF)...
Your Congress in Action: February 13, 2023
A sometimes raucous State of the Union address last week, featuring President Biden sparring verbally with his Republican Congressional opponents in the House chamber, was an apt microcosm of the current mood in Washington, where neither political party has a monopoly...
CRM Day on the Hill is BACK!
ACRA members have a powerful story to tell policymakers about the importance of cultural resources management. As Congress debates policies that impact the CRM industry, it’s more important than ever to make sure lawmakers hear that story. That’s why ACRA is holding...
Now on Demand: The 2023 Outlook for CRM in Washington
If you missed yesterday’s webinar on the 2023 legislative outlook for CRM in Washington, it is now available on demand! This webinar explores the current legislative and regulatory environment, the outlook for the year, and ACRA’s 2023 government relations priorities....