ACRA Comments to BLM on Public Lands Rule

ACRA urged the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to revisit its proposed conservation rule to incorporate a “more comprehensive view of landscape, how such places came about, and how such places have been maintained over the centuries.” BLM’s proposed Public Lands...

Your Congress in Action: July 3, 2023

Your Congress in Action: July 3, 2023

Acrid smoke from Canadian wildfires isn’t the only thing making the outlook in Washington hazy these days. As both parties contend with low approval ratings and the specter of a 2024 rematch between the 45th and 46th Presidents next year, Congress headed into its...

Army Position on Exhumation of Fallen Soldiers

From the Army and Office of Army Cemeteries (OAC): The Army has recently identified a gap in policy related to handling the discovery of remains of servicemembers from the numerous conflicts during the 18th and 19th century that helped shape our country. The Office of...

Early Bird Conference Pricing Ends July 15

Early Bird Conference Pricing Ends July 15

There are only a few weeks left to get the early bird rates for the 2023 ACRA Conference in Indianapolis! Head over to the conference page now to register at the lowest price of the year. The early bird prices will end after July 15. After that date, prices will go up...

Your Congress in Action: June 20, 2023

Your Congress in Action: June 20, 2023

Congressional leaders and the White House managed to avoid economic disaster a couple of weeks back by passing legislation to suspend the debt ceiling, thus avoiding a first-ever U.S. government default. But fallout from the deal could lead either to sharp cuts in...

CRM Firms in the News: Vol. 15

Readers can now find relevant news items compiled all in one place! In our CRM Firms in the News series, we feature recent mentions of ACRA member firms and their projects across the country. Was your firm recently featured in a news article or on social media? Send...

Your Congress in Action: June 5, 2023

Your Congress in Action: June 5, 2023

Economic disaster was averted late last week when President Biden signed into law legislation that avoids a government default, the result of furious negotiations between the parties that resulted in the passage of a bill that neither party particularly liked, but...