Your Congress in Action: March 11, 2024
If there remained any doubt that the 2024 election is upon us, the events of the last week more than dispelled that: On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that states could not remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot for his role in the January 6th...
One Week Left: Conference Call for Sessions
The most engaging ACRA conference sessions are often those conceptualized by CRM practitioners themselves. Whether it is a topic for presentation or a discussion you think the industry should be having, we want to hear from you! There is one week left in the Call for...
May 7-8: CRM Day on the Hill
CRM firms have a lot at stake when Congress makes policy decisions that impact their bottom line. And there’s no better way to make sure lawmakers hear the industry’s point of view than meeting them in person. ACRA members have a powerful story to tell policymakers...
Now on Demand: Unlock Your Interview Success
If you missed the second session of the ACRA Careers webinar series, it is now available on Webinars on Demand! Unlock Your Interview Success is designed to allow you to step into your next job interview with better confidence and a sense of control. The goals of this...
ACHP Chair Sara Bronin Releases Recommendations on Federal Historic Preservation Standards
From the ACHP: Today, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Chair Sara C. Bronin released her Report and Recommendations on the Application and Interpretation of Federal Historic Preservation Standards to the ACHP, pursuant to the agency’s statutory...
Federal Government Shutdown FAQs
Once again, the country faces the prospect of another federal government shutdown at the end of the week if Congress and the White House cannot agree on spending bills or a short-term extension of current funding levels. This potential shutdown is different than...
Your Congress in Action: February 26, 2024
In 45 B.C., Julius Caesar created a new calendar for his Empire. The earliest Roman calendars would over time slip out of alignment with the changing of the seasons. And so one of Caesar’s predecessors invented a new month, Mercedonius, to take place once every few...
Now on Demand: The 2024 Outlook for CRM in Washington
If you missed yesterday’s webinar on the outlook for CRM in Washington this year, it is now available on ACRA Webinars on Demand! This webinar explores the current legislative and regulatory environment, the outlook for the elections, and how ACRA is speaking up for...
2/29: Next Session of ACRA Careers Webinar Series
There are 2 remaining sessions in ACRA's new webinar series specifically created for students and emerging professionals in the CRM industry! This 3-session series provides new skills to those just starting or early in their field on choosing a career path, interview...
ACRA Collections Survey
The Collections Management and Curation Committee would like to invite membership to participate in the ACRA Collections Survey. With this anonymous survey, the Committee is seeking to assess the number of orphaned collections currently housed in the offices of CRM...