ACTION ALERT: Project Cancellations & Hot Topic Session

Firms across the country have experienced federal projects being stalled or cancelled in response to directives from the new administration. ACRA has been tracking these developments since the inauguration, and we have recently seen an uptick in reported cancellations...

Joint Letter to Secretary Burgum on Section 106

ACRA has joined with other cultural resource organizations to urge Interior Secretary Doug Burgum to protect and maintain Section 106 regulations at the Department, highlighting the “enormous benefits that Section 106 reviews generate for the nation and its states,...

ACHP’s Emergency Notice on Energy Projects

On February 19, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) issued a notice via email to consulting parties informing federal agencies that they should follow the terms of any applicable Section 106 agreement that contains emergency provisions, when such...

For CRM Employers: Virtual Job Fair 3/18

Michigan Technological University has partnered with ACRA to develop a virtual Career Fair specifically designed to help students studying for applied careers in cultural resources, including Anthropology and Archaeology, Geography, Sociology, Preservation,...

CRM Expo Now FREE for Underemployed Archaeologists

ACRA and SAA are pleased to announce that the CRM Expo will be free to underemployed archaeologists - even those that are not currently registered for the SAA Annual Meeting. Sponsored by the American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA) and the SAA, the CRM Expo...

NEPA Interim Final Rule Published

As expected and previously reported in ACRASphere, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has issued an interim final rule that eliminates CEQ’s regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as of April 11, 2025. Although this...

Your Congress in Action: February 24, 2025

Your Congress in Action: February 24, 2025

The furious pace of White House actions that has marked the start of the Trump administration has only accelerated the last couple of weeks, including a number of policy shifts that impact CRM – not to mention increasing action on Capitol Hill. Here are some of the...

ACHP Council Changes & EO Update

The Trump administration has removed three members of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), including its Vice Chair, leaving it unable to call meetings. Executive Director Reid Nelson announced in a message to members this week that Vice Chair Jordan...