Are you looking for a way to get involved in ACRA’s 2020 Conference in San Antonio later this year? Has your company completed studies at a space-related facility? We have an opportunity for you!
America’s space-related building stock is quickly reaching 50 years in age and archaeological sites at bases concurrently reflect the growth of this industry. We are looking for potential panelists to populate a session on space-related CRM projects. In particular, we are seeking individuals with data on Programmatic Agreements or other projects that can highlight the process of such tasks and how CRM is dealing with these kinds of resources. If you are interested, send Kerri Barile (Committee Chair) an email.
Remember that we are actively collecting proposals on other sessions as well! See the ACRA Conference Call for Sessions for more information. The deadline for proposals is only a few weeks away. All proposals must be received by March 15th. Submit yours today!