In March 2023, the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers established a working group to carefully examine issues and perspectives related to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation in their present form and application. Now they want to hear from ACRA members!

The Stakeholder Subcommittee of the working group is focused on obtaining input from multiple perspectives outside of SHPOs, NPS, and related entities. The Subcommittee is seeking opportunities for thoughtful engagement and input from a wide variety of preservationists, professionals, and other stakeholders who use the Standards, and they believe that ACRA members can provide a unique perspective.

Please take a moment to complete this online stakeholder survey which poses questions about how each stakeholder interacts with and perceives the Standards and their application. With your help, the working group ultimately hopes to create a summary report that identifies issues, recommendations, and case studies to be broadly shared.

The deadline to complete the survey is December 15, 2023.