One of the primary goals shared by both ACRA and SAA is to advocate for public policies that protect the record of cultural resources both at home and around the world. In representing our community before the U.S. Congress, we deliver the message of how CRM preserves our shared cultural heritage for present and future generations, and how this preservation of our past enriches local communities and creates economic benefits.
Nothing makes an impression on Members of Congress like personal visits to sites that showcase where and how this work is being done in their districts. This summer ACRA and SAA are organizing a campaign to bring senators and representatives to project sites during the upcoming August congressional recess. Now is the chance to show the elected officials in the district where your site lies what important work you do for our nation and localities.
If you are interested in setting a meeting with your Member of Congress this August, contact Amanda Stratton and request our congressional visit toolkit. This helpful guide includes tips on scheduling, conducting a great site visit, talking point suggestions, working with their press staff, social media samples, and other items.
We have also made it easier for you to submit your meeting request: simply go to the SAA Take Action portal and click on the “History Comes to Life Here” link. At this site, you can enter the zip code in which your dig, museum, collection or facility is located, and send an editable template invitation to the federal and state representatives of that area.
Once you have set a date for the visit, be sure to let Amanda know. Let us know the particulars of the visit after the meeting as well so that we can follow up with their offices.
This is a great opportunity to educate Members of Congress on the scientific and economic value of CRM. We know you do amazing work and this is a chance to brag about it people who can make a difference by seeing how NHPA, ARPA and the Antiquities Act benefit their districts. Please participate and show politicians that all history is local.