The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is seeking public input on a proposed exemption that would release all federal agencies from the requirement to consider the effects on historic properties of their undertakings involving the installation and placement of certain electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).
Under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, federal agencies and those receiving federal funding or other federal assistance must consider effects to historic properties prior to carrying out a project. The ACHP is proposing this exemption because the installation of EVSE is likely to result in minimal or no effects to historic properties when certain conditions are met. Because the EVSE relies on existing electric infrastructure, as well as existing parking structures and areas, minimal ground disturbance will be needed. Further, the equipment itself will either be placed in a way that is minimally visible, or will utilize colors that allow it to blend in. Finally, EVSE is easily reversible, allowing any effects to be temporary in nature.
“The Biden Administration is committed to converting the federal government’s vehicle fleet to electric vehicles, which will require the installation of supply equipment to support their operation,” ACHP Vice Chairman Jordan Tannenbaum said. “With this proposed exemption, the ACHP is leading the effort to develop a programmatic solution toward this effort.”
The ACHP will host consultation meetings with its historic preservation partners in June and is taking public comment until June 6, 2022. The process for submitting comments can be found in today’s Federal Register notice. Additional information regarding the proposed exemption can be found on the ACHP’s website.
Questions may be addressed to program_alternatives@achp.