This is the last call to join ACRA and SAA in making the point this August that “History Comes to Life Here.”
Our organizations are mobilizing members to share your project site with your elected representatives to demonstrate how our work preserves our shared cultural heritage for present and future generations, creates economic benefits for the communities in which this research is conducted, and contributes to community identity and history.
If you have a site you are working on this summer, consider hosting congressional visitors this August. Please contact Amanda Stratton and request our congressional visit toolkit today! This helpful guide will include tips on conducting a great site visit, talking point suggestions, working with their press staff, social media samples, and other items.
To get started, you need to submit your scheduling request. Go to the SAA Take Action portal today and click on the “History Comes to Life Here” link. Here you can enter the zip code in which your site is located, and send an editable template invitation to the senators and congressperson who represent that area.
Once you have a visit scheduled, please let us know the particulars so that we can follow up with their offices.
Legislators’ schedules fill up quickly – get your meeting requests in NOW to participate in this great campaign!