When project applicants and federal agencies are informed about the existence of historic properties of religious and cultural significance to Indian tribes early in project planning, opportunities to consider non-destructive alternatives are increased. Proactive planning for early coordination can also increase predictability for both applicants and Indian tribes, leading not only to better preservation outcomes but also to possible project cost savings and more efficient Section 106 reviews.
The ACHP has issued a new resource to help applicants navigate the process: Early Coordination with Indian Tribes During Pre-application Processes: A Handbook. The handbook and a coordinating online course provide recommendations for federal agencies, applicants, and Indian tribes regarding how to begin, facilitate, and participate in early coordination in a manner that should result in a more efficient and effective Section 106 process.
From the ACHP:
The ACHP developed the handbook with assistance from a tribal working group, federal and state agencies, and energy producers and trade organizations. It provides background information on the Section 106 process for applicant-driven projects and offers suggestions for federal agencies, industry, and Indian tribes to work collaboratively and effectively in pre-application planning, before formal government-to-government consultation would begin. The document includes best practices from an Indian tribe, an energy company, and a state transportation agency.
Concurrent with the development of the handbook, the ACHP launched a 90 minute online, on-demand eLearning course Early Coordination with Indian Tribes for Infrastructure Projects. The course will prepare applicants and their consultants to work with Indian tribes in carrying out investigations and developing pre-application information.
Download the handbook here, and register for the Early Coordination with Indian Tribes for Infrastructure Projects course on the ACHP e-learning portal.