ACRA offers the ONLY online continuing education opportunities specifically tailored to cultural resource management professionals. Our webinars focus on increasing the business efficacy of CRM firms, advocacy for the CRM industry, and improving the practice of CRM. 

This year’s webinar schedule has been carefully crafted with ACRA members in mind. Some sessions focus specifically on meeting the federal requirements on which our industry is based, such as Resolving Disputes in Section 106 on June 11. Others are meant to help your firm run more efficiently, like Emerging Technology for Heritage Management & Section 106 Compliance on July 16.

Check out our full slate of sessions for 2020 below, and remember that ACRA members always receive a reduced rate. Space is limited – make sure to reserve your spot today!

Spring 2020 (Date TBA)

CRM Health and Safety Programs in the 21st Century

June 11

ACHP: Resolving Disputes in Section 106


July 16

Emerging Technology for Heritage Management & Section 106 Compliance


August 13

Data Preservation and Access in the Digital Age of CRM


September 10

Technical Writing for CRM: Developing More Efficient Communication


October 22

A, B, C, easy as 1, 2, 3: Evaluating Cultural Resources Under the “Other” National Register Criteria


November 12

Aerial Archaeology, Then and Now


December 10

ACHP: So you think you need a PA…
