The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), a part of the National Park Service (NPS), has published a series of videos and a Preservation Practice Brief on COVID-19:
- COVID-19 Basics: Disinfecting Cultural Resources
The first video in the series provides basic information about the virus itself and how it is spread. It continues by talking about how long the virus remains on surfaces and what we can do to help deactivate the virus. To disinfect cultural resources, our emphasis is on isolation and allowing the virus to dissipate naturally. Cleaning and disinfection methods are also discussed. - COVID-19 Basics: Personal Protective EquipmentThe second video in the series addresses the items needed for personal protection. The broadcast addresses risk assessment, protection, use of personal protective equipment, disinfection, homemade masks, and advice on how to help our communities.
- COVID-19 Basics: Re-Entry to Cultural Sites
The current and third video in the series focuses on preparing to reenter cultural sites once the pandemic is ending and businesses reopen. This presentation discusses issues associated with re-entry and use of a cultural site and precautions we need to take in order to safeguard ourselves and visitors. The video addresses the following questions: What plans do I need before returning, to work? What needs to be in the plan? What does the re-entry team, do? How do we and preventing recontamination from COVID-19? What do we do the first day back?
You can access all of the NCPTT resources on their Technical Resources page, and be sure to check out our discussion post on implementing precautions for coronavirus in CRM work settings by Dan Cassedy.