The ACRA Virtual Conference is in just three weeks, and we are excited to see you, even if it is virtually! Session moderators are hard at work finalizing their presentation and discussion topics, and this year’s agenda will address some of the most topical issues in the CRM industry. We wanted to share a few updates with you. If you haven’t registered yet, do so NOW on the event page!

Roundtable Changes

Our schedule features both traditional webinar presentations and roundtables meant to foster discussions on diversity and inclusion, business operations, and more. These roundtables were initially scheduled to run concurrently, with attendees having to choose between the sessions. However, many of you have mentioned that you are interested in attending both sessions on each day, so we are happy to announce that the roundtables will now be at separate times to allow you to do so! The roundtable schedule is now as follows:

Thursday, September 24

3:00 pm EDT: Asking Ourselves the Uncomfortable Questions: Staff Diversity in the Preservation Field

4:00 pm EDT: There Ain’t No Business Like Small Business: The Emerging World of ACRA’s Small Business Community

Friday, September 25

3:00 pm EDT: Systemic bias in Historic Preservation and the CRM industry: A discussion of integrity, inclusivity, and diversity in the 21st Century

4:00 pm EDT: Supporting Employees in the Age of COVID-19

Additional Networking Opportunities

Our conference software allows for increased interaction with other attendees. We will be sending out detailed information on the system as we get closer to the conference, but you will be able to sit at virtual tables with others, visit sponsors at our exhibition booths, and even have private conversations with other attendees, all through the conference platform. All of this allows for increased virtual networking, and we wanted you to be able to take advantage of that. The conference schedule now includes built in time on Friday afternoon to visit with others at the conference!

You can view the full schedule of webinars, roundtables, and more hereThe premier CRM event of the year is still on, just virtually – register now so you aren’t the one that misses out!